Do they, the believers are now claiming 5 million. Is a reference to this gem: "Nazi" is just a contraction of national socialist. It has been so common in English for so long that you are really fighting a losing battle here. This logical fallacy states that because 'everyone knows' then it must ...
I wrote that. It's tongue-in-cheek. It's a reference to the book below. And I used Nazi here since it's more colloquial and it conveys a sense of taboo which is what I was going for.*_(*But_Were_Afraid_to_Ask)_(book) "Nazi ...
I would also like to mention that anyone who is really interseted in the truth, would of course use the very easy to use and easy to understand NSDAP over the slur NAZI. Not only that, but people label an entire country 'NAZI Germany' as a deragatory term. It is nothing but pure HATE. The reality is ...
Easy there, Comrade. As I said, the word is colloquial, not formal. colloquial characteristic of or appropriate to ordinary or familiar conversation rather than formal speech or writing; informal. However, official German documents from the period do use a lot of similar abbreviation conventions ...
Golly, I am not sure if this is trolling or not. Revisionists have already researched this question! Golly, you must be trolling. Show me official NSDAP documentation that uses the word NAZI. You won't. If you view the official NSDAP documentaries: Triump of the Will and the Eternal Jew, you won't ...
Churchill used the term Nazi to refer to Hitlerism a distinct version of National Socialism. Can you please explain where Churchill got the word 'NAZI' from to begin with? I can tell you, NAZI literrally means country bumpkin and idiot. It was the Jewish Communist party calling the NSDAP the word ...
I do not understand why revisionist persist in using the word 'NAZI' to describe the 1933 - 1945 German Government, German People, and the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP). (N)ational (S)ozialistisch (D)eutsch (A)rbeiter (P)arty In my opinion, if a revisionist actually researched 1933 ...